Welcome to IEROKIPIO
Permaculture in the Heart of the Island of Cyprus!
Welcome to "IEROKIPIO", (Hierokipio) the Sacred Garden, as the name translates in Greek, is the place where dreams come true and Nature has the leading role. Honouring Mother Earth and the Ethics & Principles of Permaculture, we create with respect.

"IEROKIPIO" is a 2,700 square meters Permaculture based designed Land, demonstration and educational center site, dedicated on displaying and sharing ways of regenerative land development and resilient management practices based on permaculture principles, techniques and strategies.

"IEROKIPIO" is owned and run by Permaculture Designer, Consultant & Educator /Activist, Gabriel Pandelis and was founded in 2009 by Gabriel and his father Andy Gabriel.

"IEROKIPIO" is located in the very heart of the island of Cyprus, just 2 Kilometers from Mitsero Village, and just 25 minutes drive from the capital of the island, Nicosia.



The project seeks to promote ecological, cultural and economic resilience in the Island of Cyprus by continuing to develop our small scale permaculture site to serve as a model and training center for local farmers and international permaculture students. "IEROKIPIO" aims to be a model of sustainable development and self-sufficiency for the whole of Cyprus, and to build connections with permaculture projects regionally and internationally.
"IEROKIPIO" needs the assistance and support of passionate and motivated people in a voluntarily basis in the areas of construction, planting, animal care, etc. We also need your junk, items you do not need anymore but could be of great value and usage for our up-cycling ongoing project at "IEROKIPIO". Donations are also welcome as at the moment "IEROKIPIO" is under a major transformation with a number of projects going on and the need for funds and materials are high.
"IEROKIPIO" hosts educational workshops, courses and tours, sustainability, resilience and self sufficiency related events, and long-term training programs on Permaculture and other fields of sustainable development. It also offers workshops, courses and trainings in art-related subjects, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, alternative therapies and culinary arts, and organises retreats on holistic lifestyle, nutrition and health, all of which use the site as a living learn-scape.
Open Call for Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers for the activities and work that will take place in our Permaculture Land for the period of the months: March to June 2020, as well as the new academic year, starting around mid or late September.
Learn more about OPEN CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Here!
Friends Circles
Stay closely connected and support us in our effort.
News to be announced soon.